
Lessons From Lockdown

Can you believe that it has now been a year since we went entered our first lockdown in the UK? As we hit this milestone it seems fitting to reflect on some of the life lessons we have learned and discovered over the past 12 months.

Nothing is certain.

As a nation, we experienced firsthand how life can change in a heartbeat. Lesson number one; don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today, as there are no guarantees in life. Tell that person you love them, make that phone call that you’ve been putting off, take that half an hour to play with your little one. In short, take action. Do it now and don’t delay.

The importance of gratitude.

It seems a distant memory now that we were all fighting for toilet rolls and the last bag of flour. Now that the initial panic buying had subsided, perhaps we can reflect on how amazing our supermarkets and local shops have been in keeping us supplied? How grateful we are for the technology that has allowed us to keep working, and how in embracing that, we have developed new skills in the online world.

We all have a role to play.

It has been heartwarming to see the elevated status and respect for health workers, care givers and those who support us in such selfless ways. Let’s include delivery drivers, shopworkers, and teachers who have worked so hard this past year. We salute you.

Creativity and innovation.

Not least that vaccines are now available is nothing short of miraculous, but also the innovation of businesses who have been so agile in meeting people’s needs in this past year – the rise of home deliveries and virtual events, the Zoom socials; it’s been inspiring to see how quickly and well we have adapted. As the saying goes ‘necessity is the mother of invention’.

The little things are the big things.

We have mourned the loss of so many, and it has been a sombre reminder of the fragility of life, perhaps giving us the opportunity to re-evaluate our lives and our priorities. Walks in nature, a meal with friends, a hug with a loved one have taken on renewed importance in our lives.

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